

An Integration Financial Management Information System “IFMIS” is an IT based budgeting and accounting system that manages revenue, spending, payment processing, budgeting and reporting for governments.


Tax & Revenue

The Ministry of Finance’s Customs and Inland Revenue Departments promise to provide you with help and assistance to work out and pay the correct tax under the law...


Public Spending

The Government values the contribution that Somaliland taxpayers make to the country...


Message from the Minister

Minister of Finance Development

Dear Guests, Media Representatives

The government of Somaliland is currently implementing its Public Financial Management Reform program (PFM) that includes reforms to improve the budgeting process, increase domestic revenues, automate the country’s payment system and build the capacity of our public servants to better manage the country’s finances. The PFM reform program will improve the government’s capacity to utilize public funds more effectively, meet the National Development Plan II (NDPII) goals, and realize its 2030.vision. This program will help us to achieve the highest possible efficiency, transparency and accountability in the allocation, management and use of public finances. The effective and efficient use of taxpayers’ money requires sound financial management, full transparency and effective payment process. These reforms will help ensure the Government of Somaliland to be a trusted custodian of the nation’s financial resources.

- Minister Dr. Saad Ali Shire

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